SODA’s Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is the visible advocate and counties in providing for a comprehensive and coordinated continuum of services and opportunities so that older people can live dignified, productive and independent lives. The SODA AAA service area includes Atoka, Bryan, Carter, Coal, Garvin, Johnston, Love, Marshall, Murray and Pontotoc Counties in southern Oklahoma.
The AAA Information and Assistance program is a free referral service for persons 60 years of age and over. Referrals are made to a wide range of public and private resources. Examples of resources include caregivers, support groups, home health care, medical and dental services, nutrition programs, senior centers and transportation services. Additionally, AAA publishes a local resource directory that is available to seniors free.
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program enables ombudsman supervisors to monitor and advocate for quality of care and quality of life for seniors living in long-term care nursing homes, residential care and assisted living facilities. Ombudsman supervisors and ombudsman volunteers attempt to resolve complaints from residents, family and friends by exploring problems and recommending corrective action. The goal is to empower the resident to stand up for their rights and their dignity. Volunteers are trained and certified to spend two hours per week in their assigned facility.
Nutrition and Supportive Services Nutritious support hot meal service in all 10 counties and 14 Title III Senior Nutrition Centers in the SODA service area. The meals provide one-third of Recommended Daily Allowance of nutrients for older persons and are served at the congregate centers or are home-delivered to home-bound individuals only. Activities and health screenings are available at each center. Transportation through the local bus systems and/or vans for older seniors is available to nutrition centers where available.
The Community Expansion of Nutrition Assistance (CENA) program increases the number of meals served to individuals by Multi-Purpose Senior Centers (independent) senior and/or community community centers in the SODA service area. The program also allows for expansion of other needed services provided at senior centers. To be eligible for CENA funding, a senior/community centers must have by-laws in place, a governing board, hold regular board meetings and not receive funding under Title III of the Older Americans Act. CENA funds can be used for construction, renovation, equipment, bus insurance, building insurance, personnel, food and utilities. CENA grant applications are submitted through an online application process.
The Senior Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHIP) provides accurate and objective counseling, assistance, and advocacy relating to Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage, long-term care, and other related health coverage plans for Medicare beneficiaries, their representatives, or persons soon to be eligible for Medicare.
The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) Program helps senior Oklahomans learn how to protect themselves from health care fraud and monitor what Medicare or Medicaid has paid on a beneficiary’s behalf. SMP conducts community presentations and public forums on how to review a Medicare Summary Notice; how to report possible fraud, abuse and waste; trends in health care fraud; what fraud is NOT; and how to become a SMP Volunteer Advisor. SMP also publishes free public education information including brochures, resource list, and training materials.
The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) Program conducts outreach and enrollment of low-income Medicare beneficiaries into the Part D Low Income Subsidy and the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs), and promotes utilization of Medicare’s preventive services.
The Masonic Grant Assistance Program (MASON) offers financial assistance to persons 60 years and older who are low income and need help, eyeglasses, dental work, hearing aids, wheelchair ramps, and other disability-related services. To apply for a Masonic Grant, download the Masonic grant application and instructions here. A list of existing providers for Masonic Grant services can be downloaded here. If you plan to use a provider that is not on the list, the new provider should download and complete these forms.
For information on these programs or other services available to Senior Citizens contact:
Senior Information Line: 800-211-2116
Other Resources
- Legal Aid of Southern Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Dept. of Human Services – Aging Services
- Big Five Community Services (Bryan, Carter, Coal, Love and Pontotoc Counties)
- INCA Community Services (Atoka, Johston, Marshall and Murray Counties)